TED talks everyone should see

We are here to inspire You, and hey, it's 2018 -- inspiration can come from so many different sources! 

One of our favorite ways to get our daily dose of inspo is by opening up to experiences of others, to new ideas and to learning something new. TED talks covers all of these: the concept has been around since the early 90s, so needless to say, 20+ years later you can find amazing talks on practically any subject out there from people with the most diverse backgrounds and experiences possible.

It's about sharing expertise and sharing stories - something we're always up for.

Joseph Kim: The family I lost in North Korea. And the family I gained. | TED Talk. Source:  TED.com

This is our (incomplete! look for part 2 soon ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) list of a few of our personal favorites:

Laugh-Out-Loud kinda talks

Who said Ted talks have to be super serious? There are plenty of funny and amusing ones out there, some of our favorites are:
  1. In case you haven't seen it already (after all, it has almost 16 mln. views now), this talk will definitely make you laugh out loud (and make you feel better about putting off that very important thing you had, to read this or watch the talk instead): Inside the mind of a master procrastinator | Tim Urban
  2. Any talk by James Veitch, really (big fans here!): 
  3. Our new mantra here, at Inspirors, is "life is far too important to be taken seriously", borrowed from this amazing talk: Leading with Laughter: The Power of Humor in Leadership | Paul Osincup | TEDxNapaValley
  4. "If you lose the power to laugh, you lose the power to think". Amen! On laughter | Anthony McCarten | TEDxMünchen

Ted talks that will help you learn more about h00mans

To learn about yourself, is also to learn about the humanity and the experiences universally shared among all of us, creatures who call themselves h00mans: 
  1. Have you ever thought about what defines a personality? How extroverts are different from introverts? Dr. Brian Little explains basic concepts of personality psychology in an understandable and very amusing way: Who are you, really? The puzzle of personality | Brian Little
  2. A great talk to challenge your self-awareness and realize how relative our state of happiness is. Just watch it, it will make so much sense, we promise: The riddle of experience vs. memory | Daniel Kahneman
  3. It is short but these 4 minutes are enough to remind you what defines a human in all of us: Ze Frank: Are you human?
  4. I cannot stress enough how much I adore prof. Dan Ariely, a professors of psychology and behavioral economics. If you typed in Dan Ariely in the Youtube search bar, you would find at least 8 "TED" branded videos - a real OG over here! All of his speaking engagements very fascinating, mind-opening and enjoyable (and funny!). The concepts he discusses will change the way you look at most decisions you make in your everyday life: 

Inspiring and Feel Better talks

While we think that all TED talks are a great source of inspiration (no talk-shaming in this community!), we wanted to shed some light on people whose stories should be heard. Each of these speakers give us a chance to learn from their experiences and use their attitudes towards life to enrich ours:
  1. Fear of rejection stops us from achieving greatness and having amazing and fulfilling experiences we would have never imagined we could have. This speaker gives an honest account of fear to be misunderstood and rejected and how to deal with this fear to change our lives for the better: 
  2. I'M NOT CRYING, YOU'RE CRYING. DISCLAIMER: Bring your tissues because this one is a real tear-jerker, as the life story of Joseph Kim teaches us about compassion, awesome people and surviving hardships stoically. Story about survival and unbreakable bonds between family:  The family I lost in North Korea. And the family I gained | Joseph Kim
  3. Note to self: engage in Big Talk with as many people as possible: How To Skip the Small Talk and Connect With Anyone | Kalina Silverman | TEDxWestminsterCollege
  4. She said she was not an inspiration, but we beg to disagree: I got 99 problems... palsy is just one | Maysoon Zayid

Let's keep inspiring each other on:


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