You NEED to change the way you talk to people

We all want to connect. We all have stories to tell. 

We all, no matter how different we are, share some common fears, hopes and aspirations. And sometimes, we need a little nudge to cut through the meaningless small talk we have each day and begin to show our authentic selves and learn about others. Sounds intriguing?

Here's where BIG TALK comes in

We all know what small talk is. But I bet you probably have never heard about BIG TALK. It's something I came across by accident, after I watched a TED talk by Kalina, who as a student, decided she was fed up with small talk and wanted to "actually have deeper, more meaningful conversations with people" she meets or the people that are already dear to her.

The idea is simple: whenever, you want to really connect with people (even with strangers), you "skip the small talk, and cut right to the big talk by asking deeper questions instead". Questions like:

1. What do you spend too much time doing? What don’t you spend enough time doing?
2. Who do you need to get in touch with because it’s been too long?
3. What is something new you recently tried and enjoyed?
4. What makes you feel most alive?
5. What advice would you offer to yourself five years ago? One year ago? Today?
6. What holds you back from doing the things you really want to do?
7. What do you fear?
8. What are you proud of?
9. What is something you know you do differently than most people?
10. What is your next great adventure?
11. What’s one thing that could happen today that would make it great?
12. What does home mean to you?
13. What do you want to do before you die?

14. How do you show your love?

 Or even ask the other person to finish statements like "Before I die I want to...". You just force people talk about the most important things in life.

I hope this post finds you well and you will try engaging in BIG TALK in your own life. Just try it. Try it with someone you trust. Or make it into a conscious effort to approach people you do not know that well. You can never know where this might lead. I tried it and it was the most fulfilling experience. Ever.

Below, I've added the TED talk for you to get a better idea how this all started 😉, and I couldn't recommend more to watch the original video either: 

Feel free to start the BIG TALK with us too!

Let's keep inspiring each other on:


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