Halloween Graveyard Stories

Uhh some scary stuff rigth here..!! 

Strange Goings On in the Portchester Graveyard
Roger Letzer was visiting the cemetery near Portchester Castle in England and he couldn't help noticing a man kneeling in front of a gravestone, clasping his hands and sobbing.  Roger went a bit closer and could hear what the man was saying.  'Why did you have to die?' he was repeating, 'Why did you have to die?'
Feeling he ought to do something to alleviate the man's obvious distress Roger laid his hand on the his shoulder saying gently, 'Was it someone you loved very much?'
The man looked up at him and said, 'No, I never met him, he was my wife's first husband.'

Hide and Seek - A Creepy and Frightening Story
A Young Bride Who Goes Missing Before Her Honeymoon.

A young couple got married and, after the wedding, they held a reception in the bride's grandmother's house. All their family and friends arrived and they laughed, danced and sang, long into the night.
After the wedding reception, the guests decided to play a game of hide and seek. The groom covered his eyes and began counting to a hundred while his new bride and the other guests ran out of the room, looking for somewhere to hide.
Eventually, the groom had found everyone except his beautiful bride. The other guests began calling out her name and searched everywhere for the young woman. They began to grow more and more uneasy when they couldn't find any trace of her.
Eventually they gave up searching and everybody assumed that the girl had run away and left her husband. As the weeks went by, the husband accepted that his beautiful bride must have had second thoughts about their marriage. He decided to forget about her and go on with his life.
A few years later, a cleaning lady was dusting in the attic when she came across an old trunk. Out of curiosity she opened it. Inside the trunk, she found the rotting corpse of a young woman, still dressed in a bridal gown. There was a wedding ring on one bony finger. It was the missing bride. She must have hidden in the trunk and accidentally locked herself inside. It was impossible to tell whether she had suffocated or starved to death, but her face was frozen in a silent scream.

Halloween Yarn From An English GraveyardHalloween Haunted House Story

One dark, windy Halloween night, just outside Doncaster in Yorkshire, England, Neil, the town drunk was meandering his way home after the pub had closed. Somehow Neil got turned around and ended up walking through the graveyard in St Mary's church instead of taking the Tadcaster road home.
The wind howled louder and Neil thought he could hear a voice calling his name. Suddenly, the ground opened up in front of him, and he fell down, down into an open grave. He could still hear the voice clearer and louder now, calling to him. Neil knew it was Satan, coming for him just like the vicar had said, on account of him being the town drunk.
The hole was very deep and inside it was pitch black. His eyes adjusted to the darkness and after a few moments, and he made out a form sitting in the darkness with him. It called his name, and he scrambled away in fear, trying to climb out of that terrible grave. Then the figure spoke to him, 'You can't get out,' it moaned.
Neil gave a shout of pure terror and leapt straight up in the air, caught the edge of the hole in his hands, and scrambling out for his very life, he ran for home as fast as he could go.
Inside the open grave, his neighbour Tony sighed in resignation. He, too, had fallen into the hole a few minutes before his friend and had thought that together they might help each other climb out.  Now he was going to have to wait until All Saints Day morning and get the gravedigger to bring him a ladder.

Let's keep inspiring each other on:


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